Mission FPC
On D-day, the room was full, but the preventative measures were still respected. Social distancing, handwashing, designated entrances and exits, everyone wearing their mask… Children outside waiting on the benches were promptly looked after by Simone. Phew, that’s it, we could start.
I must admit that we did have a dress rehearsal the Sunday before with Charles’s send-off service at the Geneva Bible Institute.
The testimonies of Charles and the two believers being baptized were so different in terms of life circumstances yet so similar when we consider the grace of God in action. It has been such a joy to live these moments to the glory of God!
We then made our way to the outdoor swimming pool provided by a member of the Church to begin the baptisms. All spaced around, people still wore their masks but in the fresh air and sunshine.
God saves sinners. It was true two thousand years ago; it is true today!
Mission FPC
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