Mission FPC
Our meeting was introduced by a time of biblical meditation and prayer led by Samuel B. Then among certain outstanding points we took time to evaluate our decision-making structures from four points of view, namely:
♦ what drives us forward
♦ what holds us back
♦ snags to avoid
♦ the ideal to be reached
After noting down their personal observations, each shared and elaborated them with the whole group. Our different points of view engaged positively. This led us to reflect how we can improve, a matter to be further pursued.
We proceeded to an evaluation of the synergies with APC and identifying the “tops and flops”, what works and what proves to be more difficult. We had invited Joseph Hubert, president and coordinator of APC to be present for this evaluation. There again we had an edifying time which will lead to valuable progress.
These evaluations were sparked by several remarks heard during the AGM of 13th April.
As usual we of course took time to look at the administrative and financial situation, the human resources and particular situations in our missionary team.
We are grateful for the attitude of all present and the willingness to listen which enabled the meeting to proceed in in a good spirit and fine fellowship.
Mission FPC
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