Mission FPC
We don’t have many details for some of them, for others, however, inspired writers reveal their intimate struggles and God’s action to achieve His perfect purposes.
Moses, after 40 years of guarding his father-in-law’s flocks – a very unusual training – is called by God to an incredible responsibility: to meet Pharaoh to demand that he let the people of Israel go to serve the Lord. Exodus 3 to 4 reveals Moses’ feelings, faced with God’s call. He finds himself completely unqualified for the task: “I cannot …”. God retorts: “I will be with you.” Moses argues that the Israelites will want to know who sent him. God reassures him: “I am who I am”, “I am has sent me to you”! God even tells him what he will have to say to the elders of Israel to convince them. He also warned him that Pharaoh would not let his workforce go without a manifestation of divine power.
Moses is hard to convince: “They will not believe me”, “They will doubt that you have appeared to me”. Patiently, God gives him miraculous signs that he can accomplish to persuade Israel. Undoubtedly with good reason, Moses argues again: “I am slow of speech and tongue.” God reassures him: “I will help you speak; I will teach you what to say.” But still Moses resists, and God gives him an excellent partner in Aaron, who will speak easily.
Deprived of all his excuses, to which God’s promises and support responded beyond all hope, Moses submitted to the will of God. His leadership was carried out in humility and closeness to God.
How many times do we see him go into the presence of God to present to him the disputes of the people and their unfaithfulness? How many times does he “negotiate” with God for the good of the people, asking that the Lord not forsake those whom he freed from Egypt? What a man of God, at once fragile, vulnerable, but great in the presence of God and missioned by Him!
The prophet Jeremiah is another outstanding example. His call and the associated promises can be found in the book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1.4-19). Like Moses, he argues: “I am too young.” But God reassures him: “I knew you before your conception, I set you apart to serve me, I intended you to be my spokesman”. He promises to put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth, to be with him to deliver him.
God gives him a mission order which consists of tearing down, demolishing, destroying, but also building and planting, and being his spokesman. He promises to fulfill His word. He warns him of the judgment that will come upon Judah. Finally, He equips him for his mission: “I make you strong as a fortified city, a column of iron, a bronze wall.”
Jeremiah was called to an extremely difficult ministry, for which there was reason to be discouraged and give up. What oppositions did he not experience because of God’s message? What perseverance, what incredible resilience! But above all, what a God! He made him able to endure all this and was with him in the battle. To Him alone all the glory!
Finally, let us quote Saul, blasphemer, persecutor, a violent man to whom God showed mercy (1 Timothy 1.13). He set him apart from his mother’s womb, called him by His grace (Galatians 1.15), chose him as an instrument to make His name known to the non-Jews, kings, and Israelites, and showed him all that he would have to suffer for Jesus (Acts 9.15-16).
Paul is aware of the work of regeneration necessary for him to assume his vocation: “For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect (1 Corinthians 15.9-10).”
And what an effect: a large number of people impacted, churches planted and strengthened, the majority of the “sound doctrine” formulated and transmitted – it has reached us in the New Testament – and an example of persevering consecration despite the sometimes violent opposition!
The incredible work of God in the life of His servants, the incredible work of God accomplished by His servants who have placed themselves at the disposal of their Master.
God has not changed! Still today, He calls, missions, qualifies. Jesus has all powers in heaven and on earth, He is with us every day, until the end of the world (Matthew 28.18, 20), within FPC Mission, as with each of his servants, a faithful witness within their sphere of influence, in the family, at work, in the neighborhood, etc. We can therefore meet the challenges He challenges us to as Lord of the harvest. He’ll be up to it!
Daniel Kessely
Mission FPC
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