Mission FPC
The first was Revive Europe, which ran from December 27th to January 1st in Karlsruhe (Germany), and was organized by IFES, an international evangelical student organization. The conference gathered over 3000 students from 68 countries. The second, the Jumiko conference, was held on January 6th and saw 5000 young Christians come together in Stuttgart, Germany.
The FPC team introduced France as a mission ground. Indeed, our country is made up of less than 1% evangelical Christians, while 31% of French people are professed atheists. Many young people we chatted with were taken aback by these figures, and we were able to offer different ways of engaging with FPC, ranging from a week to a year or even an indefinite period.
What a blessing for us to meet with these students, who aspire to an awakening in their own lives and in Europe and who seek to live as Christ’s disciples. And if God does, in His grace, rise again in France for the proclamation of the Gospel, will the new generation know Him?
Mission FPC
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