Mission FPC
Many tools are available to us, especially allowing for remote work. Moreover, each colleague is looking to continue in their own way, with sensitivity, to pursue their mission in giving encouragement and teaching to believers, but also to take advantage of the opportunity, despite quarantine, to be a witness to Christ in new and creative ways. However, faced with the uncertainty in the development of this situation, many events have been cancelled or postponed:
♦ The FPC General Assembly initially scheduled for April 18th (same for the missionary team meeting [REM] which should have proceeded it) will be rescheduled. A special message will be published on this subject soon;
♦ The APC/FPC weekend, Haguenau center, planned for the 25th and 26th of April, is canceled. Due to the development of the health situation in the country and in particular our eastern region, we do not expect a return to normalcy by then;
♦ The weekend for Couples planned for May 16th and 17th – it seems wise to postpone this weekend gathering until the fall or next spring;
♦ A message about 100% Connected Camp scheduled for July 13th-26th will also be sent out in the near future.
A period of limited outside activity without a doubt will allow for some revitalization, time to learn, read, and pray. Paradoxically, the worries and the fear that fill these moments offer a great opportunity to stop and ask the important questions. Amid this time of both health and economic crises, our hearts turn to God to find in Him the hope and comfort we need. Who knows? Maybe God wants to make Himself heard amid this pain. Our country, Europe, and the entire world need Him very much!
Mission FPC
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