Mission FPC
I am thankful that God led me to FPC and to the Charleville team, which always supported me and showed me an example of personal sacrifice and commitment in the service of others. I was impressed by the solidarity and the brotherly love within FPC: with fervent prayer, encouragement, forgiveness, and in the face of the spiritual stakes — between us as brothers and sisters, but also toward our contemporaries.
These last years I have had a growing awareness of the grace of God. This grace is poured out upon us continually, is renewed, and is deepened according to our need. It has no end. It abounds, not only to pardon our abundant sins, but also to fulfill, strengthen, console, guide, and give joy. It is sufficient. I can never fathom this grace; it surpasses and surprises me continually. And if I receive it still, I know that it is up to me to pass it on in turn to others, with joy. And I cannot do it except by the grace of God. May we all be encouraged in this grace!
Mission FPC
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