Mission FPC
Saturday December 11, after a final rehearsal and a time of prayer, we went to meet passers-by. The atmosphere was relaxed, the weather fine. The first two songs were sung, then we had to interrupt our performance, a marching band strolling through the streets… We obviously couldn’t compete! We took the opportunity to distribute invitations for the Christmas concert with David and Bettina Prigent for Saturday December 18th. Then we went to another place. Right from the start, the onlookers gathered, visibly enjoying the hymns. What a joy for us to sing loud and clear: “Joy to the world”, “Jesus is born”, “O Holy Night, the Redeemer is here”. The constraint of the masks was not enough of a sufficient barrier to silence us, and obviously the formula was appreciated.
This simple, non-aggressive approach that has been very encouraging for our small team. After 1h of singing in loop, with cold feet, and sore fingers for the guitarist, we left happy to have been able to serve in this way.
What a joy also to see people involved that we would not have ordinarily thought of! We have discovered hidden gifts!
Mission FPC
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