Mission FPC
The name Contrefort (buttress) suggests support, reinforcement or strengthening. We chose this name to underline the spiritual reality represented by the association. Its aim is to support the progress of the Gospel, liberality, building up believers and solidarity among all the activities it represents. The mutual efforts of a whole network buttress and support the group’s activities in a spirit of solidarity and unity. The diagram below shows the gamut of activities which Contrefort supports legally and administratively.
Our reason for referring to this association is that its AGM was held on Saturday morning, 3rd June in Drulingen, presided over by Jérémie Ouédraogo. Several members chose to be present on line to avoid a tiring and costly journey and to reduce our carbon footprint.
Each represetative of the activities involved was invited to give a retrospect for the year 2022 and to outline the challenges of 2023. We also made use of the time together to pray for one another and that the numerous activities of Contrefort be useful to the Lord and His church.
Holding an AGM is a legal requirement which might seem onerous but it is a vital part of fulfilling our mission by respecting the authorities, conscious that we are served by Christ and called to serve Him.
Sandrine Laporte
Mission FPC
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