Mission FPC
Alain R. introduced the morning with encouraging comments on 2 Chronicles 18.1-17, in which the example of King Ahab exhorts us to be watchful and not confuse the will of God with our own projects. By contrast, like King Jehoshaphat, despite some bad choices, we need to return to God and seek his will. Like the Prophet Micah we should be spokepeople of the truth.
The association’s chairman, Jérémie O., gave a brief reminder of the Contrefort’s goal and vision. The association is expanding and its importance and value are shown by the fact that it bears administrative responsability for the religious activities of the FPC mission and a large number of activities of the the APC union, to wit: the 100% Connected camp, the Regional Youth Action, the Arts Trunk, the group Praise for Christ, the dance troupe Envol (“take off”), the Tim4 training programme, the Bible training Camp, the Solidarity Fund, the Pacts week-ends, the Network 55+, the FPC Pass. The representatives of these different activities each presented a brief report for 2023 and the projects for 2024.
We were pleased to welcome a new activity: the CHyL’s Band, presented by Yann M., a jazz ensemble made up of some ten members all from the APC/FPC network. They perform at different events organised by the network to support one way and another the proclamation of the gospel.
The board took the opportunity of presenting several topics of reflection and projects which it plans to examine in the coming year, such as the shared financing of the administration, the recruitment of a collaborator for accounting, the setting up of a means of keeping track of the funds available for different activities and a computer system as well as a signed agreement with our partners (APC/FPC/Vilodec).
The AGM ended with a time of fellowship and drinks for those present.
Our wish is that the Contrefort association will continue to be more useful and effective to the benefit of the APC/FPC network.
Mission FPC
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