Mission FPC
This week provides an opportunity each year to reunite the entire missionary team: missionaries and their families, associated co-workers and their families, young adults who are starting or ending their PASS – “Program for Apprentices in the Service of the Sovereign” – interns, and volunteers. In total, there were 125 people there each day, without counting the visitors who joined us for the day or for meals: retirees of the mission, old missionaries, or members of the direction committee.
Our program: bible study in the morning, relaxing activities in the afternoon, and the exchanging of news and prayer during the evening. The teenagers and children, led by a Vilodec team, experienced an adapted program for their age during the mornings and the evenings at a campsite. Our speaker, who we thoroughly appreciated, was Jonathan Hanley. This was a great chance for use to (re)discover, through different meetings with the disciples, how Jesus accompanied, taught, guided, and encouraged…with gentleness, patience, love, and grace. Jesus revealed how it was He who gave us all that we have: He uses our gifts, our talents, to glorify His name. We can be encouraged to be connected to such a marvelous Savoir.
We were spoiled by the numerous donations that were given. Donors gave us mirabelles (a local fruit), tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, and yogurts. We also received different types of meat for the week such as pork, beef, chicken, and eggs. Thank you to everyone who gave and to everyone who made this week possible!
We have also been blessed by the numerous discussions, updates, and prayers. We were able to share the burdens of one another and encourage each other before the semester begins again. This past week together was important for the unity, cohesion, and revitalization of our team.
God bless this new semester for everyone.
Mission FPC
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