Mission FPC
The pleasure of meeting one another was evident in the warm handshakes, embraces and smiles. There was plenty of conversation. The musicians were finalising last details on stage. Most of the work had been done the previous evening at a memorable rehearsal which ended with a meal together.
Let’s face it: it’s good to see one another again. It had been several months since our last meeting but today the distance was no problem. There were representatives from each of the churches: Vagney, Bertrimoutier, Chaumont, Neufchâteau, Luxeuil and Épinal.
This year we had chosen to celebrate our God together along the lines of the theme of the course Health and Multiplication: “The Church Gathered, the Church Dispersed” but emphasizing “The Church dispersed, a daily challenge!”
Half-past ten and the hall was full. The last to arrive find their seats. Micaël, the pilot of the centre, said a few words of welcome and introduced the day with a story reminding us we need Jesus and that he is the one who gives meaning to our life. The inter-church worship group led us in praising our God with carefully chosen songs and accompanying Bible texts. This was followed by a time of teaching in which Eric encouraged us to regard our secular occupation as a full-time “ministry.” Wherever we may be, at work, at home, in a club, we are salt and light in the Lord’s service!
The youth group from Épinal presented a little sketch illustrating the difficulties, the joys and the possibility of testifying to one’s faith in school.
Then six brothers and sisters gave testimony of their experiences at work, in voluntary associations or at university. In interviews they were asked to answer four questions:
1. What leads you to regard your involvement in (this job, this association, at home…) as a ministry for the Lord?
2. What do you find encouraging in this context?
3. What difficulties do you face?
4. How do you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit while talking to other people, for instance when you share your faith?
This time of questions and answers proved to be a real encouragement for all present, as each could identify with their own personal situation.
Our time of celebration closed with a word of thanks. There followed a packed lunch, an opportunity for friendship and fellowship until mid-afternoon. We had deliberately chosen not to have any program for the afternoon so that everyone could enjoy the immense privilege of simply being together.
Didier C.
Mission FPC
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