Mission FPC
Apart from the usual time for informal exchanges, a stroll in the beautiful sunshine for some, swimming in the pool for others, we meditated on a passage from Matthew 14:13-34, using material from Itéa.[1] Here is an extract from the commentary: “To be a disciple and fulfill one’s mission requires faith above anything. The disciple must depend solely on the goodness, the power, and the grace of god. He can accomplish nothing by himself. And this faith is also a gift from his Master, who inspires, who supports, and who forgives when he stumbles.” I add that those who nourish their faith know God more and more fully.
All of this made us reflect on our ministry and the way in which we are best resourceful. God grants us to bless one another, to nourish (in every sense of the word!) and encourage.
It was difficult for each of us to return to reality after these privileged moments spent together. We remember what Jesus said to his disciples who were frightened on a boat during a storm: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27). He is here, with each one of us. Our prayer is that we all find the strength we need and a renewed vision of the God we serve.
[1] www.itea-edu.com
Mission FPC
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