Mission FPC
The slogan since March 15th has been: “Stay at home!” The world, France, Alsace, but also people close to me, are in crisis, sick, or faced with suffering caused by the virus. So, I asked myself how to be useful, helpful, how to show love in such circumstances from my home.
Following the example of other “Makers,” those who own 3D printers, I put my machine to work in the fight against the virus. Starting with a plastic filament that is then melted and formed to a model that I provide, the printer makes bands that are clipped onto plastic sheets, protecting the wearer when in contact with others (these are used in addition to face masks).
A few calls to caregivers and staff quickly confirmed the need for these visors. The medical center in Drulingen and the retirement homes both in Drulingen and Diemeringen requested a total of 60 visors, which I was able to provide them by the end of March.
Little by little, networks have enabled Makers from the Bas-Rhin to become better organized. Printed materials from throughout the region are now collected in Strasbourg to be disinfected there and packed before being distributed according to different requests. The group is made up of volunteers and carried out free of charge. 240 pieces from my printer have been distributed with around 7000 others to date.
God has thus allowed me to use my gifts and possessions in service to my neighbors. I want to do it in love and fully trusting in Him, without expecting anything in return. And I am encouraged by the various connections this has given me and the conversation it has kindled when I speak about it to those around me – by telephone or video chat, of course!
Mission FPC
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