Mission FPC
The first session took place in January (click here to read the summary article), followed by a review session in April (click here to read the corresponding article) and now we deepened our discoveries by the study of various Bible passages.
The story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 10 and 11 reveals a strong and seductive leadership style baased on success. In our society and culture leaders are people with a vision able to mobilize others to accomplish it. In our Christian circles leaders are evaluated on the greatness of their vision and their success. But there is no success which bypasses the cross of Christ. Beneath the cross we discover God does not call us to fulfil the vision. He gives us the same invitation he gave Abraham in Genesis 12, to leave behind everything which contributed to his security. God gave him a vision whose fulfilment did not depend on Abraham but on God Himself. He asked Abraham to trust Him and obey, God did the rest.
David had to learn this too. 2 Samuel 7.1-16 tells us his desire to build a temple for his God. But the Lord gave him a different vision: it is not he who is going to build the temple. Instead he will found a dynasty which will lead to Jesus the Messiah. And God is the one who will fulfil the promise.
Moses had to spend 40 years learning to be a godly leader. His manner of speaking is completely different from what is recorded in Acts 7.22-29. Moses had become weak and aware of his deficiency. But he had learned to trust and obey.
As leaders we can lose ourselves in activity, in the way of Babel. We need to go back to faith and obedience. It is there we can live out our true calling: to be a part of God’s family, the church. She exists primarily for God’s pleasure. We are able to be rather than to do.
Leadership is a gift God gives to His church to cultivate and multiply community life. We studied Exodus 18.13-27, a text with numerous correspondences to Acts 6.1-17. Jethro advises his son-in-law Moses to set up a structure centred on God’s word to enable each member of the people to hear what God has to say to them. God’s word at the centre creates life. In the same way everyone in the church needs to have access to God’s word and to discern those who are able to take care of the framework (with the word at the centre) which enables life to develop.
We are not alone in all this: Jesus, the model of a suffering and serving leader, goes ahead of us. And He has equipped us with His Spirit.
At our next missionary gathering in April 2024 we will go on exploring this topic, applying it particularly to our mission France Pour Christ.
Mission FPC
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